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Santa Phone Number Tracker: Depending on which country they are from, children may ask about Father Christmas, Papa Noel, Saint Nick, or Santa Claus. But those who believe all want to know one thing: where in the world is the jolly old man and his sleigh full of presents on Christmas Eve?
For the 64th time, the U.S. And a wildly popular program run by the Canadian Forces provided real-time updates on Santa’s progress to millions of people around the world. This year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command introduced more high-tech methods for kids and parents to follow.
Operation NORAD Tracks Santa has evolved from a mistaken telephone call in 1955 to a trailer parked outside the command’s former lair deep inside Cheyenne Mountain to NORAD’s modern headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado.
Also, the thousands of telephone calls made by NORAD volunteers each year have been augmented by the explosion of technology that lets millions of people track St. Nick’s journey from the North Pole to the Pacific and Asia, from Europe to the Americas.
This year’s portals include Alexa, OnStar, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and 3-D apps developed for mobile devices by Cesium, a Philadelphia-based IT and defense contractor. The apps integrate geospatial and satellite-positioning technology with high-resolution graphics that display the actual position of the stars, sun, and moon and the shadows they cast at any point in Santa’s journey.
A village of dozens of tech firms — including Google, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, and Bing Maps — provide a wide range of influences for global Santa trackers. Last year, there were about 1.5 crore visits to the website.
The NORAD Playbook guides the volunteers who receive calls from around the world at the NORAD Tracks Santa Center at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs.
And it takes a village of 1,500 volunteers to email and makes a telephone call to 140,000 or 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723). They call a bank phone equipped with monitors inside a building in Peterson’s that overlooks snow-capped Pikes Peak to the west.
More volunteers and firms donate food, water, and coffee to Santa Watch.
“Hi, Santa Trackers! Lots of kids waiting to ask you about Santa” reads a sign.
Volunteers are armed with an operations center playbook that helps ensure each caller goes to sleep on Christmas Eve happy and content.
Longtime Santa trackers are familiar with the NORAD-Santa story.
In 1955, Air Force Colonel Harry Shoup – commander on night duty at the Continental Air Defense Command, the predecessor of NORAD – fielded a call from a child who dialed a wrong telephone number in a newspaper department store advertisement, thinking he was Calling Santa. ,
A quick-tempered Shoup quickly convinced his caller that he was. And a tradition was born.
Lanyards are ready for volunteers who speak a foreign language to wear while answering telephones at the NORAD Tracks Santa Center at Peterson Air Force Base, Monday, Dec. 23, 2019, in Colorado Springs, Colo.
The earliest calls come from Japan and Europe. Program manager Preston Schlachter said that volume increases in the United States and Canada. United Kingdom callers asking about Father Christmas. People living in France usually look for the whereabouts of Papa Noel.
For team members, once “Big Red” — Santa’s code name — is airborne, Schleicher said, “it’s off to the races.”
While millions of people around the world spend Christmas Eve with their friends and families, a group of 1,500 volunteers at NORAD (The North American Aerospace Defense Command) spend the day answering calls from anxious children and their parents. Who is ready to answer the biggest question? Day: Where’s Santa?
NORAD is tracking Santa once again this year, using the same resources, teams, and technology used to track anything and everything flying in the sky across North America.
It’s a tradition that began in 1955 when a misprinted Sears ad listed the phone number for the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center, encouraging children to talk to and call Santa. Colonel Harry Shoup, who was on duty that night, picked up the phone and realized the error. Shoup promised the child that he was indeed Santa and that he was on his way home. Eventually, the colonel assigned someone to staff the phone and continued answering calls.
CONAD eventually became NORAD, and the tradition continued. Volunteers work two-hour shifts, handling 140,000 calls in total, coming from countless countries and different languages.
On Monday, I spent about an hour inside the NORAD Tracks Santa Operations Center and it was inspiring to see how much work is done to ensure children have the latest information on Christmas Eve as Santa makes his journey. Each station has a playbook with various statistics and information about Santa and his sled. For example, did you know that the sled weighs 60,000 tons at takeoff? Or that Santa Claus weighs 260 pounds at the start of his flight, but weighs 1,260 pounds by the time he lands?
NORAD will not only have volunteers ready to answer phone calls, but this year Cesium’s 3D mapping technology is being used again to plot Santa’s location on a map, and for the first time, a 3D app Has been optimized for mobile devices. So instead of asking questions about Santa’s whereabouts all day and night, you can install the app on a child’s device and they can watch as Santa travels closer to their home.
Cesium has a more technical explanation of how their technology is used on their website if you want to get into finer details.
You can call NORAD at 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723) beginning at 6 a.m. ET and speak with a volunteer who will tell you Santa’s current location, and answer any questions. Will answer Or you can send an email to with your questions or ask for updates. You can also use the NORAD Tracks Santa website at or the app on your iPhone or Android phone, which will show you Santa’s current location in a new 3D view for mobile devices.
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How do Santa Trackers work?
Every Christmas Eve, the Google Santa Tracker begins simulating Santa’s tracking at approximately midnight in the Far Eastern Time Zone (10:00 UTC). The map shows Santa alternating between traveling through cities and delivering presents. Santa appears to be traveling west in approximately one-time zone per hour.
How can I track the Santa number?
If you want to take the more traditional route, you can also call NORAD at 1-877-HI-NORAD to see where Santa is.
Who controls the Santa Tracker?
Every year since then, NORAD has dutifully reported Santa’s location on December 24 to millions of children and families around the world. NORAD Tracks Santa has been sustained for more than 65 years because of the support, services, and resources generously provided by volunteers and our government and corporate contributors.
Where does Santa go after all?
To stay ahead of the clock, Santa travels west, beginning in the South Pacific, then New Zealand and Australia. Next, he shoots across Asia, to Africa, then to Europe, to Japan before crossing the Atlantic to Canada and the United States. Finally, he flies south to Mexico and Central and South America.
How did Santa Tracker get started?
NORAD began tracking Santa in 1955 when a newspaper ad misprinted the call-in number for Santa. Callers instead of Santa reached the operations hotline at the Continental Air Defense Command Air Operations Center — NORAD’s predecessor — in Colorado Springs, Colo.
How much does it cost to track Santa?
NORAD says their call center fields more than 100,000 calls each year, and the Santa Tracker website has more than 30 million visitors on Christmas Eve from all around the globe. “Cause it’s at no cost to any of the people who want to track Santa with this
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